dapat pumunta ako sa paraiso….

So, Like I said, I got transferred. I was first told that I would be going to Marinduque Island. Then I got a call the next day saying that "something happened" and I would in fact be going to Candelaria instead. :/ You can imagine the anticlimactic event that it was for me. I thought I was going to be living next to the ocean… But now, I’m still in city. So the "something" that happened. The sisters on the Island were robbed. Teenage boys broke into their house and stole clothes, money, and other items. They decided to move the sisters to a different, safer house. But it changed the number of sisters on the island from 4 down to 2. I got voted off the island! Before I even got there! Geez. But Candelaria is good too. I made the Zone Leaders promise that we could go to a white sand beach for Zone P-day. hehehehehe… 🙂 The other sisters were ok with that too. My new companion is Sister Kelleher. She is 28 and from New Zealand. So she has a cool accent. She is probably the sweetest person I have ever met and I am really enjoying having her as my companion. She is fresh outta training so I am her Follow Up Trainer and we are reopening. WE LOVE STRESS!!! ITS GOOD FOR US!!! So we are exploring our area and getting lost and talking to people and inviting them to listen to our wonderful message. It’s been fun.
We also had to go to lucena for Stake Conference on saturday and sunday. It’s about a one hour bus ride and I am very glad that it doesn’t happen every week because it’s expensive to go there and back, and most of the time we have to end up eating there too. money guzzler! But it was fun and there some awesome talks.
Anywho, hope you are all doing well! I love you, I miss you, I pray for you all the time.
~Sister Cox


6 months in Lipa, 6 months in San Pablo, chances are I will probably spend my last 6 months in my new area. The Assistants to the President JUST CALLED and said that Sister Japus and I are both transferred, but the wonderful elders would not tell us where we are going or who our new companions will be. So.. I can’t tell you where I am going, wish I could, but I can’t. 🙂 This week was pretty good. It was difficult because it was Holy Week. There isn’t really Easter here in the Philippines, just holy week. There are a lot of people who go on vacation, and friday is Banal na Araw, or Holy Day. All the businesses are shut down and everyone is at mass or visiting family, and basically no one was home. We were talking about it and agreed that what happened on friday should happen every sunday, we just need to get all these people on board with the plan. 🙂
I am feeling great this week. It’s just been a good week. It’s been hard, but its been good. I’m kinda sad to transfer and to leave our investigators, but I think I’m more excited than sad… 🙂 hehehe. Is that bad? Hope not.
Hope you are all great, Hope you had a good Easter and I hope it was full of the right kind of feelings of gratitude for our Savior. LOVE YA ALL!
~Sister Cox

It’s been over one year.

I met my one mark on the 10th of April. It was really weird to wake up and think about it. It brought back a lot of memories from the MTC and getting dropped off a year ago. It was a sad and happy moment. It also made me think of my Uncle John. My MTC entrance date was on his birthday so it has a special meaning for me. This weekend we got to watch general conference. We are a week behind the states, and I realized that I will miss conference completely when I go home because I will leave after it has already been broadcast in America but not before we have had the opportunity to watch it here in the Philippines. YAY!! Computer time!
I really liked Elder Zwicks talk about corrupt communication. This is something that we all struggle with at some point and it’s really important! I also like what the Prophet was saying about loving people. Who doesn’t need a little more love? I liked all the other talks too, but I forgot to bring my notes with be to discuss them with you.
In my personal study I have started reading Jesus the Christ. It is an amazing book. I am learning so much about our savior, and also his earthly parents. It is a very insightful book about so many aspects of the life of Jesus Christ. If you have down time, you should read it.
I’m doing great, and I hope you are too.
~Sister Mary Christina Cox

We are super late today and all of you in America are sleeping.

Today was Zone P-day, and we went for a walk/hike. I was really stupid and wore flip flops. It wouldn’t have been a problem if my feet were used to flip flops but I don’t really get to wear them anymore so I now have some lovely (not so) little blisters! 🙂 They are awesome. So anyway we walked about 2 hours (uphill) and saw a big white catholic cross. um, don’t ask me why we did that, but we did. It’s a little weird, I know. But it was still good. This week was pretty good. We had Zone Interviews and those are always great. Getting to speak with your mission president one on one doesn’t happen everyday. The Zone leaders did a work shop about planning better and then the AP’s followed it up with a workshop on always asking for referrals after every lesson. It was a really good reminder.
Work has been pretty good this week. We are really trying to find new investigators and our work is paying off. We had 4 new investigators this week. YAY!! We still need more tho. obviously… 🙂
I hope you are all having a wonderful week. I love you!
~Sister Mary Christina Cox